MOSCOW (AP) — People in Moscow who were disappointed when Starbucks closed its coffee shops after Russia sent troops into Ukraine may now feel a caffeine jolt of hope: A nearly identical operation is opening in the capital.
The phenomenon of “trademark squatting” or “trademark troll” indicates a situation in which someone other than the original brand owner obtains a trademark on a brand, and typicaly demands money in exchange of the ownership.
In a trademark application filed Aug. 10, formally registered Monday and first spotted by CarBuzz, Porsche has called dibs on the word “F1nally,” a not-so cryptic way of saying the brand is, at last, returning to F1. Currently, the word has not been trademarked in the United States or the U.K.; however, the domain was registered on March 19 of this year.
香港知識産権局(HKIPD) HKIPD has a mission to maintain the protection of intellectual property rights to the highest international standards, so that Hong Kong, China remains a place where creativity and talent can flourish. 各国商標データベース (国内外知的財産関連109機関) 地域ブロック別
When choosing a product, don’t you use the mark attached to the product as a landmark? That mark is a trademark. Trademark is a name or mark used by a business operator to distinguish its own products and services from those of others.
Spain soccer clubs jointly filed for virtual reality
Two of the biggest Spain soccer clubs, Real Madrid and FC Barcelona, have applied to receive trademarks for some elements in the metaverse. The clubs have introduced an application that encompasses different activities and services that they can conduct in the metaverse, including a cryptocurrency wallet and the possibility of selling virtual merchandise.