商標登録insideNews: What a huge surge in trademark filings means for applicants | A Blog from USPTO’s Leadership

Since last fall, trademark applications from U.S. and foreign applicants have surged to unprecedented levels. As of June 17, the increase is roughly 63% over last year, which translates to about 211,000 more applications. And in December 2020 alone, the USPTO received 92,608 trademark applications, an increase of 172% over December 2019. This surge has doubled the number of applications waiting to be examined and increased waiting times at various stages in our processes

情報源: Director’s Forum: A Blog from USPTO’s Leadership


商標登録insideNews: ”禰豆子ちゃんは俺が護る” 米国での”NEZUKO”の商標出願公告に対して集英社は異議申立を開始

鬼滅の刃を巡る争いは、米国特許商標庁 でも展開しており、商標NEZUKOのタグ付きの写真を使用証拠として出願されたSer.90246234に対して集英社は5月19日付けで異議申立(Opposition)を行っています。出 …

商標登録insideNews: Unstoppable domains files trademark applications for .NFT, .Doge and others – Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News

Company that provides alt-root domain names filed trademark applications for new extensions. Unstoppable Domains, a company that sells alt-root domain names that use blockchain technology, recently filed trademark applications with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for future namespaces. The company filed applications for .nft, .doge, .web3, .dao, .bch, .blockchain, .go, .x, .888 and […]

情報源: Unstoppable domains files trademark applications for .NFT, .Doge and others – Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News


商標登録insideNews: New Procedures and Rules for the Trademark Modernization Act | natlawreview.com

The Trademark Modernization Act of 2020 (“TMA”) was signed into law at the end of last year, and we recently provided an overview of three key provisions practitioners and trademark o

情報源: New Procedures and Rules for the Trademark Modernization Act

us cafe

2021年末に施行が予定されている商標近代化法(TMA)について概要が少し明らかになってきています。今回の法改正で導入される抹消(expungement)手続と再審査(reexamination)手続ですが、まず抹消手続は1,44,66条の基礎の出願が登録された場合を対象としていて、その登録後3年から10年の間であればいつでも請求可能です。再審査手続は主張された最初の使用日以降使用していない1条の基礎の出願を対象とし、登録後 最初の5年間であればいつでも請求できます。手数料はクラスごとに600ドルとなっています。ガイダンスによれば、これらの手続に際しては合理的な調査を含むものとされており、その情報源としては登録者および第三者の Websiteや出版物、登録者の市場での活動、政府の提出書類や訴訟などがあります。手続では、請願が受理された後、拒絶理由の形式で商標権者に通知され、商標権者には応答に2ヶ月の期間が与えられます。商標権者の応答が不十分な場合、最終の拒絶理由が通知され、商標権者が請願を受けた商品または役務に関連して適切な使用を最終的に実証できない場合、登録全体のキャンセルを含め、請願を受けた商品または役務は登録から削除されます。


商標登録insideNews: Trademark Office Offers Blueprint for New Cancellation Processes | bloomberglaw.com

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is set to issue a proposal for implementing a new law aimed at weeding out fraudulent trademarks.The proposed new procedures would provide a faster, more efficient, and cheaper path for having a mark never used in commerce canceled, the office said in a notice of proposed rulemaking scheduled to be published in Tuesday’s Federal Register. The filing fee for petitions would be $600 per challenged class of products covered by the trademark, under the proposal.

情報源: Trademark Office Offers Blueprint for New Cancellation Processes

Changes To Implement Provisions of the Trademark Modernization Act of 2020[Proposed Rule / Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 94 / Tuesday, May 18, 2021] PDF 2021.5.18

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商標登録insideNews: USPTO updates China IPR toolkit | USPTO

USPTO updates China IPR toolkit May 18, 2021 The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) recently updated the China Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) toolkit to reflect the recent changes made to China’s intellectual property (IP)-related laws and government structure.Originally published in October 2019, the toolkit provides general guidance for businesses and practi­tioners in better understanding the basics of the IP landscape in China. Published in May 2021, the updated China IPR toolkit highlights the differences between the U.S. and Chinese IP rights legal systems.

情報源: USPTO updates China IPR toolkit | USPTO

米国特許商標庁/USPTO Alexandria Virgina, USA

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2.Intellectual Property and SMEs: How to Take Your Ideas to Market, 20:40

Intellectual Property and SMEs: How to Take Your Ideas to Market

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