サウジアラビア知的財産総局 (saip) vol. 12 商標_動画 (embedded)

サウジアラビア知的財産総局 動画

サウジアラビア知的財産総局 動画
私たちが始まった日 私たちはクリエイターの権利を尊重し、アイデアのひらめきは#初版から始まると信じています。
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商標登録insideNews: Canada: Updates on Language Requirements for Trademarks in Quebec and Cancellation Pilot Project for Trademark Registrations | jdsupra.com

New signage rules will be enacted in Québec, next June

Our friendly neighbors in the Great White North are implementing important changes in 2025 with respect to language requirements for trademarks and a new pilot project initiated by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (“CIPO”) to issue cancellation proceedings against trademark registrations based upon non-use.

情報源: Canada: Updates on Language Requirements for Trademarks in Quebec and Cancellation Pilot Project for Trademark Registrations

New signage rules will be enacted in Québec, next June

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Canada: Updates on Language Requirements for Trademarks in Quebec and Cancellation Pilot Project for Trademark Registrations | jdsupra.com”

商標登録insideNews: USPTO Show Cause Order to Cancel More Than 40,000 China-Originated Trademark Registrations, Shenzhen Responds | natlawreview.com

USPTO seeks cancellation of about 42k TM registrations

USPTO seeks cancellation of about 42k TM registrations
USPTO Entrance, Virgina

In a February 24, 2025 Show Cause Order against Shenzhen Seller Growth Network Technology Co., Ltd. et al., the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) announced that about 42,000 trademark registration decisions might be vacated and the application or post-registration proceedings reopened for a new determination to be made. For an initial registration decision, the registration will be cancelled and restored to pendency under its application serial number. The reopened proceeding is a proceeding that may be subject to termination.

情報源: USPTO Show Cause Order to Cancel More Than 40,000 China-Originated Trademark Registrations, Shenzhen Responds

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: USPTO Show Cause Order to Cancel More Than 40,000 China-Originated Trademark Registrations, Shenzhen Responds | natlawreview.com”

フランス国立産業財産機構 (INPI France) vol.13 商標_動画 (embedded)

フランス国立産業財産機構 動画

フランス国立産業財産機構 動画
続きを読む“フランス国立産業財産機構 (INPI France) vol.13 商標_動画 (embedded)”

文化庁 商標_動画 (embedded) vol.7 伝統的酒造りシンポジウムダイジェスト

文化庁 動画

文化庁 動画
伝統的酒造りシンポジウムダイジェストムービー 2025年1月25日、26日
続きを読む“文化庁 商標_動画 (embedded) vol.7 伝統的酒造りシンポジウムダイジェスト”

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