Single corporate entity or not
In a long-running trademark dispute between two companies marketing real-estate development services, and both using the name Dewberry, a trial court held that Dewberry Group entities infringed the “Dewberry” marks of Dewberry Engineers. The problem is that when the time came for assessing damages,
情報源: Federal trademark law and doctrines of corporate identity – SCOTUSblog
【コメント】法人同一性の法理(doctrines of corporate identity/identification doctrine)は、今回の事件では、連邦法である商標法での商標権侵害で損害賠償で、訴訟当事者ではない関連企業の利益も含めるべきか否かの問題となっています。
United States Supreme Court
Dewberry Group, Inc. v. Dewberry Engineers Inc. | Oral Argument
商標登録insideNews: US Supreme Court takes up ‘Dewberry’ trademark dispute | Reuters
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