商標登録insideNews: Czech Republic and Croatia implement the Common Tools Integration and join Blockchain for trade marks and designs | EUIPN

Czech Republic and Croatia implement CTI and join Blockchain for TM and DP

Czech Republic implements the Common Tools Integration and joins Blockchain for trade marks and designs. The European Union Intellectual Property office (EUIPO) supported the Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic (IP CZ) to successfully implement the Common Tools Integration (CTI) for trade marks and designs and join the TMview and DesignView blockchain network on 16 October 2024.

情報源: European Union Intellectual Property Network

Croatia implements the Common Tools Integration and joins Blockchain for trade marks and designs. The European Union Intellectual Property office (EUIPO) has supported the State Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Croatia (SIPO) to successfully implement the Common Tools Integration (CTI) for trade marks and designs and join the TMview and DesignView blockchain network on 24 October 2024.

情報源: European Union Intellectual Property Network

Czech Republic and Croatia implement CTI and join Blockchain for TM and DP
EUIPN Website

商標登録insideNews: Launch of an improved EUIPN Website | EUIPOint-icon

Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic (IP CZ) ext-icon
Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Croatia (SIPO)ext-icon

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