商標登録insideNews: Sweden becomes first country in the world to apply for Trademark | visitsweden.com

Sweden applies its name for TM

Sweden applies its name for TM
From Visit Sweden website

Stockholm, Sweden – November 12, 2024 – Sweden is making a bold (and slightly cheeky) move to trademark its name, putting an end to travel mix-ups. The home of cinnamon rolls and fika has applied to the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) to protect its name from international duplicates that might confuse unsuspecting travellers who want to experience the original Sweden and is calling on people around the world to support its application via an online petition.

情報源: Sweden becomes first country in the world to apply for Trademark

Visit the Original Sweden, 1:55 youtube

Visit the Original Sweden

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Visit Original Swedenのページでは、”Support the initiative and contribute to a less confusing world.”の後にSign the Petitionのボタンが表示され、クリックすると次の画面となります。支持する方はチェックします。

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