商標登録insideNews: North Korean soap maker looks to enter Russian market, trademark records show | NK News

North Korea soap maker seeking Russian market

A North Korean manufacturer of soaps and feminine hygiene products is making plans to enter the Russian market, official records show, though experts expressed doubt that the DPRK’s ongoing push to win the hearts of Russian consumers will bear fruit. The Pyongyang-based Ryongaksan Soap Factory presented its logo in a formal trademark application on June 26 in the region of Tatarstan, according to Rospatent.

情報源: North Korean soap maker looks to enter Russian market, trademark records show | NK News

Usine de savons de Ryongaksan

Ryongaksan Soap Factory(龍岳山石鹸工場)

情報源: Foreign Trade of DPR of Korea

龍岳山は、峰の形が龍を思わせるところから名づけられ、標高292mですが平壌市では一番高い山です。「平壌八景」の一つで「平壌の金剛山」と呼ばれているそうです。(from 月刊イオ)

North Korea soap maker seeking Russian market


At least four North Korean companies applied to register trademarks in Russia last month, seeking to bring tranquilizers, sweets, rice wine and other products to the overseas market as the two countries rapidly bolster ties. NK News analysis of Russia’s Federal Service For Intellectual Property (Rospatent) records shows that Hakbong Trading Company, Mirae Trading Company, […]

情報源: Four more North Korean companies register trademarks to enter Russian market | NK News

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