英国知的財産庁(UKIPO) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.6

英国知的財産庁 動画

1.Nathan’s Supply Chain Safari、7:22 英国知的財産庁 動画
What can businesses do to safeguard the integrity of their supply chains and keep counterfeits and fakes out ?

Nathan's Supply Chain Safari

2. Infringing Website List (IWL)、2:30

Infringing Website List (IWL)

3、IPO Corporate Plan 2016-2019、3:15

IPO Corporate Plan 2016-2019

The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) is the official UK government body responsible for intellectual property (IP) rights including patents, designs, trade marks and copyright.
各国商標データベース (国内外知的財産関連128機関) 地域ブロック別

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