AfrIPI video webiner/seminor
1.Africa IP SME Helpdesk, 1:40
Africa IP SME Helpdesk
Playlist: Africa IP SME Helpdesk Webinars & .AfrIPI – Workshop on international frameworks (the Hague) for examiners
2.Africa IP SME Helpdesk Webinars
Africa IP SME Helpdesk: Trade mark protection enforcement in Africa
Africa IP SME Helpdesk Webinar: Protecting your intellectual property rights in Kenya
Africa IP SME Helpdesk Seminar: Doing business in North Africa
Africa IP SME Helpdesk Webinar: Guide to Intellectual Property protection in Nigeria
Africa IP SME Helpdesk Seminar: SMEs Investing in Egypt and the role of intellectual property
Africa IP SME Helpdesk: Grow Your Business in East Africa
Africa IP SME Helpdesk Seminar: The practical intellectual property support programme for SMMEs
Africa IP SME Helpdesk Webinar: Business-smart IP investments in Africa
AfrIPI at #EABF22 ➡️ Seminar "Protection of IP in Africa - increasing SMEs competitiveness"
Africa IP SME Helpdesk Webinar: Protecting your trade marks at the OAPI (EN)
AfrIPI at #EABF22 ➡️ Workshop "Boosting intercontinental Trade"
Africa IP SME Helpdesk: The impact of commercialisation strategies for SMEs investing in Africa
Africa IP SME Helpdesk Seminar: SMEs guide to IP protection in Morocco (English)
Africa IP SME Helpdesk: A guide to customs recordal in West Africa (OAPI)
Africa IP SME Helpdesk Seminar: SMEs guide to IP protection in Morocco (French)
Africa IP SME Helpdesk Webinar: Protecting your trade marks at the OAPI (FR)
Africa IP SME Helpdesk: intellectual Property strategies for Bulgarian SMEs
Africa IP SME Helpdesk: Opportunities for EU SMEs to leverage IP rights for business growth in Kenya
Africa IP SME Helpdesk: Intellectual property strategies for business success in Nigeria
Proteggi la propietà intellettuale della tua impresa all’estero opportunità per le PMI Italiane che
Africa IP SME Helpdesk: Exploring IP enforcement and e commerce in Nigeria and South Africa
3.AfrIPI – Workshop on international frameworks (the Hague) for examiners
Outils mis en œuvre par l’EUIPO pour l’examen et le suivi des demandes
Le système de l’Arrangement de la Haye
La classification de Locarno
L’expérience de l’EUIPO sur la classification de Locarno et sur l’outil Design Class
L’examen par l’EUIPO des demandes d’enregistrement
欧州連合国際知的財産協力(EU International Intellectual Property Cooperation) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.4
AfrIPI is the EUIPO’s first IP-focused project that collaborates with African jurisdictions.
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