商標登録insideNews: 2ちゃんねる開設者が勝訴 商標権巡り、2億円賠償命令|47NEWS(よんななニュース)

2ちゃんねる商標権侵害 開設者高裁勝訴


情報源: 2ちゃんねる開設者が勝訴 商標権巡り、2億円賠償命令|47NEWS(よんななニュース):47都道府県52参加新聞社と共同通信のニュース・情報・速報を束ねた総合サイト2ちゃんねる商標権侵害 開設者高裁勝訴

2ちゃんねる wiki

Mr. Hiroyuki Nishimura, the creator of the Internet bulletin board “2channel” and who owns the trademark rights, sought damages from a Philippine corporation, alleging that he was illegally excluded from the operation of the Internet bulletin board “2channel” and infringed the trademark rights. On the 26th, the Intellectual Property High Court changed the ruling of the Tokyo District Court of the first instance, which dismissed the claim for compensation, and ordered the corporation to pay more than 200 million yen.

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