商標登録insideNews: NY Attorney Suspended for Filing Over 18,000 U.S. Trademark Applications for Chinese Agents Without Proper Review | natlawreview.com

NY Attorney Suspended for Filing over 18,000

NY Attorney Suspended for Filing Over 18,000 U.S. Trademark Applications for Chinese Agents Without Proper Review Wednesday, August 3, 2022 In a Final Order (Proceeding No. D2022-16) released July 12, 2022, a New York attorney was suspended from practice for filing approximately 18,300 U.S. trademark applications for Chinese agents without proper review. 

情報源: NY Attorney Filed Over 18,000 U.S. Trademark Applications

Proceeding No. D2022-16 Attorney Suspended for Filing
商標登録insideNews: Proposal to require foreign-domiciled trademark applicants and registrants to use a U.S.-licensed attorney | USPTO

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