CarIPI video
CarIPI-Webiner “The Use of Geographical Indications when GI as ingredients; an analysis based on AREPO Members

CarIPI - The use of EU Geographical Indications as ingredients: an analysis based on AREPO Members

CarIPI - The use of EU Geographical Indications as ingredients: Le Piment d’Espelette

CarIPI - The use of EU Geographical Indications as ingredients: Trinidad and Tobago Fine Cocoa

CarIPI - Tequila used as an Ingredient in Other Alcoholic Beverages

欧州連合国際知的財産協力(EU International Intellectual Property Cooperation) 商標_動画 vol.7
The puspose of CarIPI’s webinar on ‘GI as ingredient’ is to explain how a GI-protected product can be used as an ingredient under certain conditions, and how those conditions might be created and sustained.
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