商標登録insideNews: Russian firm launches Coca-Cola, Fanta, and Sprite copycats after soft drink exodus | EconoTimes

Russian Softdrink Copycats

Russian Softdrink Copycats

Russian beverage maker Ochakovo has unveiled a new range of soft drinks dubbed CoolCola, Fancy, and Street, to replace the iconic brands Coca-Cola, Fanta, and Sprite that have left the Russian market in the wake of its invasion of Ukraine.Since the Coca-Cola Company halted operations in Russia in March, the three major soda brands have been mostly absent from Russian shelves. While Coca-Cola products are still available in stores, prices have increased by around 200 percent since the suspension.

情報源: Russian firm launches Coca-Cola, Fanta, and Sprite copycats after soft drink exodus – EconoTimes

Три новых (но таких знакомых!) вкуса

情報源: CoolCola, Fancy, Street! | МПБК Очаково – натуральные напитки

(Russian Softdrink Copycats)

Cool Cola, Fanсy, Street из ОЧАКОВО! ИМПОРТОЗАМЕЩЕНИЕ Колы, Спрайта и Фанты, 10:24

Cool Cola, Fanсy, Street из ОЧАКОВО! ИМПОРТОЗАМЕЩЕНИЕ Колы, Спрайта и Фанты

ロシア撤退後のコカ・コーラやマックを悩ます「そっくり商品」, 1:39


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