オーストラリア知的財産庁(IP Australia) vol.26 商標_動画(embedded)

IP Australia report

IP Australia report
Princes Pier, Port Melbourne

IP Report 2022、1:06

IP Australia report 2022

In 2021, a record high 32,397 standard patent applications were filed in Australia, an 11% increase on 2020 filings as innovations have increased in Australia and internationally.
Trade marks
A record total of 88,725 trade mark applications were filed in Australia, up 9% on 2020. This demonstrates strong domestic economic activity as businesses and individuals create new brands when pursuing growth opportunities.
Design Rights
Design applications in Australia grew 13% in 2021, the steepest year-on-year growth observed over the past decade, reaching a record 8,115 applications.
Plant Breeder’s Rights
PBR applications were down 6% (297) on 2020 likely due to environmental stressors (from IP Australia Website)

The 10th Annual Australian Intellectual Property Report presents a rich account of the latest IP trends in Australia.

情報源: 2022 Australian IP Report | IP Australia

full 2022 IP Report as a downloadable PDF
オーストラリア知的財産庁 vol.25 商標_動画(embedded)

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