米国特許商標庁 動画
USPTO の商標登録保護イニシアチブの概要
Overview of the USPTO’s trademark register protection initiatives, 1:32:56
Overview of the USPTO's trademark register protection initiatives
Are you concerned about the accuracy of the U.S. trademark register in light of the increased bogus claims of use and improper submissions to the United States Patent and Trademark Office? In this webinar (September 23, 2021), learn about the USPTO’s Register Protection initiatives.
情報源: Overview of the USPTO’s trademark register protection initiatives | USPTO
This webinar including:
- Post Registration Audit Program
- Mandatory account login
- Examining attorney guidance on digitally created or altered specimens
- Special task force
- U.S. counsel rule
- Trademark Modernization Act of 2020
米国特許商標庁 (USPTO) 商標_動画 (embedded) vol.25
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