ラトビア共和国特許庁 動画
Kampaņas “Viltotā realitāte – online realitāte” atklāšanas pasākuma (9.06.2021) atskats, 1:45
Kampaņas “Viltotā realitāte - online realitāte” atklāšanas pasākuma (9.06.2021) atskats
Regional seminar “Public Health and Intellectual Property”,

Smart Health – shaping the future of healthcare

Recent developments in supplementary protection certificates; Statistical figures – SPC in Latvia

IP and Public Health: Issues and Challenges

Counterfeit Pharmaceutical Products – risks, consequences, and challenges

Discussion: Innovative enterprises in the health sector

ラトビア共和国特許庁 Latvijas Republika Patentu Valde Website
各国商標データベース (国内外知的財産関連137機関) 地域ブロック別
The seminar focused on trademark protection and copyright issues.
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