欧州連合国際知的財産協力(EU International Intellectual Property Cooperation) は欧州知的財産庁の様々な地域や国との知的財産に関する提携をプロジェクト形式で取り扱っており、China (People’s Republic), Latin America, South East AsiaについてはIP Keysとしても紹介されています。また、本ページのARISE+ IPRはASEAN諸国との知的財産についての国際的な連携です。他にAfrIPI(アフリカ諸国との連携),CarIPI(カリブ海諸国との連携)、ジョージアとの連携などがプロジェクト化されています。
1.ARISE+ IPR – ASEAN Intellectual Property Rights

ASEAN Common Guidelines on Trade Marks and Industrial Designs

Day 2 Online training on new types of designs and international classification - Thai

ARISE+IPR - Act 2 Questions and Answers

ARISE+IPR Roundtable discussion for ASEAN judges and prosecutors - Malaysia

ARISE+IPR Roundtable discussion for ASEAN judges and prosecutors Thailand 02 02 21

ARISE+IPR - Act 9. Sharing the (EUIPO) Academy's Experiences and Successes

ARISE+IPR - Act 9 - Implementation of an IP Academy for ASEAN

ARISE+IPR - Act 11 - Regional Workshop on the Hague Agreement - 3 June 2020

Day 2 Online training on new types of designs and international classification - Khmer

Day 2 Online training on new types of designs and international classification - Lao

ARISE+IPR - Act 11 - Regional Workshop on the Hague Agreement - 2 June 2020

Day 2 Online training on new types of designs and international classification - Viet Nam

ARISE - How to draft GI Product Specifications

ARISE - Introduction about GI Product Specifications

ARISE - GI Product Specification drafted: What's next?

ARISE - ASEAN: Industrial Designs in the Traditional Textile Industry

ARISE + IPR - Introduction to Intellectual Property (IP) rights in Lao PDR

ARISE + IPR - Introduction to Geographical Indications (GIs) in Lao PDR

ARISE+ IPR - Geographical indications (GIs) - Kao Kai Noi: KKN Sticky Rice (Part 1)

ARISE+ IPR - Introduction to Geographical Indications (GIs) in Cambodia

ARISE+ IPR - Geographical indications (GIs) - Mondulkiri Wild Honey

ARISE+ IPR - Geographical indications (GIs) - Koh Trung Pomelo

ARISE+ IPR - Anti-counterfeit online

2.ARISE+ IPR – Training on the Revised ASEAN Trade Mark Guidelines

ARISE+ IPR - Act 2. MODULE 1 Distinctiveness of the three dimensional marks

ARISE+ IPR - Act 2. MODULE 2 New types of trademarks

ARISE+ IPR - Act 2. MODULE 3 Comparison of goods and services

欧州連合国際知的財産協力(EU International Intellectual Property Cooperation)
各国商標データベース (国内外知的財産関連137機関) 地域ブロック別
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