商標登録insideNews: French language requirements in Québec: A “recognized trademark” displayed outside a building | Smart & Biggar – JDSupra

Important Notice: The Québec government has announced its intention to modify the French Charter in order to better protect the French language in Québec. We do not know precisely when these changes will come into force, nor what they will entail. That said, we know that the Québec government wishes to announce these changes sometime in 2021. As soon as we know more, our firm will issue a publication advising of these changes and their coming into force, and make any necessary amendments to our French Language Requirements in Québec series.

情報源: French language requirements in Québec: A “recognized trademark” displayed outside a building | Smart & Biggar – JDSupra

Original Article

In Part 6 of the “French Language Requirements in Québec” series, we look at the “Recognized Trademark” Exception, to explore the rules governing the display of a “recognized trademark” outside a building.

情報源: French language requirements in Québec: A “recognized trademark” displayed outside a building

chapter C-11, r. 9
Regulation respecting the language of commerce and business Charter of the French language

chapter C-11, r.9, s.25
25. On public signs and posters and in commercial advertising, the following may appear exclusively in a language other than French:
(1) the firm name of a firm established exclusively outside Québec;
(2) a name of origin, the denomination of an exotic product or foreign specialty, a heraldic motto or any other non-commercial motto;
(3) a place name designating a place situated outside Québec or a place name in such other language as officialized by the Commission de toponymie du Québec, a family name, a given name or the name of a personality or character or a distinctive name of a cultural nature; and
(4) a recognized trade mark within the meaning of the Trade Marks Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. T-13), unless a French version has been registered.
O.C. 1756-93, s. 25.