商標登録insideNews: JAPANブランド育成支援事業 (METI/経済産業省関東経済産業局)




情報源: JAPAN ブランド育成支援事業 (METI/経済産業省関東経済産業局)


情報源: 新商流への挑戦 | JAPAN BRAND


1.【中小企業庁】JAPANブランド育成支援事業, 2:46


2.北海道経済産業局 令和2年度施策紹介⑩ JAPANブランド、8:55 youtube

北海道経済産業局 令和2年度施策紹介⑩ JAPANブランド

経済産業省 JAPANブランド育成支援等事業 関連

This project is intended for small and medium-sized enterprises, etc., and for multiple small and medium-sized enterprises, etc. to develop new products and services, develop sales channels, branding, etc. in order to expand nationwide, expand overseas, and acquire inbound demand. By subsidizing part of the expenses of small and medium-sized enterprises and local support organizations, etc., to support nationwide expansion, overseas expansion, and acquisition of inbound demand, we will support local small and medium-sized enterprises nationwide and overseas. The purpose is to develop sales channels, establish brands, and contribute to the revitalization of the local economy and the promotion of local small and medium-sized enterprises.

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