食品饮料行业,从来不缺少知识产权纷争。从加多宝与王老吉的知识产权大战,到如今的“红牛”商标之争,知识产权再次成为企业竞争的焦点。 近日,最高人民法院(下称最高法院)对红牛维他命饮料有限公司(下称红牛饮料公司)与泰国天丝医药保健有限公司(下称天丝集团)“红牛”系列商标权属纠纷案作出终审判决,认定“红牛”系列商标归属于天丝集团,对红牛饮料公司确认其对“红牛”系列商标享有所有者合法权益并请求判令天丝集团支付广告费用37.53亿元的主张不予支持,判决驳回红牛饮料公司的上诉请求,维持了北京市高级人民法院(下称北京高院)此前作出的一审判决。
On 25 November 2019, the Beijing People’s High Court ordered Red Bull Beijing to pay 18.8 million RMB (2.41 million Euro) in court fees in a case — one of the highest court fees ordered for IP cases in China. One may feel surprised and wonder: How did the court arrive at this amount? Before answering this question, brief facts of the case: Petitioner Red Bull Beijing filed suit against […]
情報源: Red Bull Trademark Case in China: How 18.8 million in court fees was calculated?