商標登録insideNews: Amazon expands IP Accelerator to Europe after US SMBs register 6,000 trademarks | TechCrunch

IP Accelerator

As we head into the biggest shopping period of the year — which this year may well have an even stronger online component than usual because of COVID-19 — Amazon has launched its latest effort to combat the sale of counterfeit goods on its site. The e-commerce giant today announced that its IP Accelerator is […]

情報源: Amazon expands IP Accelerator to Europe after US SMBs register 6,000 trademarks | TechCrunch

Amazonは11月25日、IP Acceleratorが欧州(特にフランス、ドイツ、イタリア、スペイン、オランダ、英国)で利用できるようになったと発表した。

情報源: 偽造品販売撲滅のためアマゾンが中小企業向け知的財産保護プログラムを欧州で展開 | TechCrunch Japan

Amazon Brand Registry, 16:54

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