商標登録insideNews: 新品種流出抑止 種苗法を改正へ|JAcom 農業協同組合新聞




情報源: 新品種流出抑止 種苗法を改正へ|ニュース|農政|JAcom 農業協同組合新聞

国内ブランド果物の海外持ち出しを規制、改正種苗法が成立, 0:42 youtube


商標登録insideNews:「改正種苗法」施行 2021年4月10日から 海外へ持ち出し禁止品種を公表 農水省 | NHKニュースint-icon

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is concerned that superior new varieties of grapes and strawberries developed in Japan, such as Shine Muscat grapes and strawberries, have been taken overseas and grown there, which could have an impact on Japanese agriculture, such as making it impossible to export products that could otherwise be exported from Japan. Due to this, the Ministry will submit a bill to amend the Seed and Seedlings Act to the ordinary Diet session next year in order to prevent these varieties from being taken overseas.

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