商標登録insideNews: Philadelphia Eagles attempt to trademark Philly Special | SI.com

NFL Eagles filed Philly Special TM

It could be a year until the Eagles hear back on whether they get the trademark to Philly Special.

情報源: Philadelphia Eagles attempt to trademark Philly Special – Sports Illustrated

Does Jason Kelce think “Philly Special” is still the greatest Super Bowl play of all time?, 3:10

Does Jason Kelce think "Philly Special" is still the greatest Super Bowl play of all time?
[コメント]スーパーボールでのトリックプレーのプレイコールが”Philly Special”だったということで、イーグルスは米国特許商標庁に出願中の模様です。このトリックプレーは、ペイトリオッツに相当な打撃を与えたプレーで、その前に同じようなトリックプレーでQBトムブレーディが捕球ミスしたのと対照的でした。

Goods and Services IC 025. US 022 039. G & S: clothing, namely, t-shirts. FIRST USE: 20180209. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 20180209
Standard Characters Claimed
Serial Number 87798604
Filing Date February 15, 2018
Current Basis 1A
Registration Number 6504836
Registration Date October 5, 2021
Owner (REGISTRANT) Philadelphia Eagles LLC

商標登録insideNews: Washington Football Team Won’t Become Red Wolves Due To Trademark Issues | www.tmz.com

NFL Eagles filed Philly Special TM

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