商標登録insideNews: Harley-Davidson Bronx Trademark Application Filed – Motorcycle.com

Harley-Davidson Bronx TM filed

Harley-Davidson Bronx TM filed

The trademark applications, filed Dec. 8 with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, are for the names “Bronx” and “Harley-Davidson Bronx.” Both applications state the names are intended for use on “motorcycles and structural parts therefor,” indicating the Bronx is intended for a new model and not for any number of accessories or merchandise.

情報源: Harley-Davidson Bronx Trademark Application Filed – Motorcycle.com

[コメント]記事によれば、どの機種に使用するかは発表されていないものの、”muscular-looking cruiser”(排気量の大きなアメリカンタイプ?)ではないかとしています。

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