米国商務省国際貿易局 (ITA) vol.3 商標_動画(embedded)

米国商務省国際貿易局 動画

米国商務省国際貿易局 動画

1.How Chinese Courts Define the Scope of Protection Afforded to Well-Known Marks、40:10 

How Chinese Courts Define the Scope of Protection Afforded to Well-Known Marks

2.”Freezing” of Trademarks by Chinese Courts、47:36 

"Freezing" of Trademarks by Chinese Courts

3.Protection of IP at Trade Fairs、48:06 

Protection of IP at Trade Fairs

4.Top 8 IP Actions — China、49:27 

Top 8 IP Actions — China

5.Chinese IP Court Data、39:44 

Chinese IP Court Data

米国商務省国際貿易局(International Trade Administration)
米国商務省国際貿易局 (ITA) vol.4 商標_動画(embedded)

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