米国商務省国際貿易局 (ITA) vol.2 商標_動画(embedded)

米国商務省国際貿易局 動画

米国商務省国際貿易局 動画

1.Recording Your IPR with U.S. Customs and Border Protection、30:10 

Recording Your IPR with U.S. Customs and Border Protection

2.Recording Your Trademark with Chinese Customs、35:54 

Recording Your Trademark with Chinese Customs

3.Parallel Imports into Hong Kong、40:30 

Parallel Imports into Hong Kong

4.Trademark Licensing in China、29:31 

Trademark Licensing in China

米国商務省国際貿易局(International Trade Administration)
米国商務省国際貿易局 (ITA) vol.3 商標_動画(embedded)

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