商標登録insideNews: Breaking: Gene Simmons Abandons Hand Gesture Trademark Application | Forbes

Now, less than two weeks later, Mr. Simmons has apparently reconsidered whether he might have valid trademark rights to the hand gesture, as he expressly abandoned the application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. It is also noted that his application drew a fair amount of criticism from fellow musicians and others who saw the application as a shameless overreach by Simmons. (from Forbes)

情報源: Breaking: Gene Simmons Abandons Hand Gesture Trademark Application

コメント:物議をかもした、伝説のロックバンド「KISS」のジーン・シモンズ氏のステージなどで使う指サインのマーク/メロイックサイン(maloik sign)あるいはコルナ(corna) ”devil’s horn”の米国特許商標庁(USPTO)への商標出願は放棄されたとの記事になります。