韓国国立農産物品質管理院 動画
「地理的表示」が気になる人みんな集まって~! ^*^♡
‘지리적표시’가 궁금한 사람 모두 모여라~! ^*^♡、35:09
'지리적표시'가 궁금한 사람 모두 모여라~! ^*^♡
국립농산물품질관리원(韓国国立農産物品質管理院) (NAQS:National Agricultural Products Quality Management Service)
韓国国立農産物品質管理院(NAQS) vol. 4 商標_動画(embedded/playlist)
The NAQS is an organization under the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs of Korea and consists of a headquarters, Experiment Research Institute, 9 provincial offices and 121 branch offices.
지리적표시(PGI)는 protected(보호되는) Geographical(지리적) Indication(표시)으로, 지리적인 표시를 보호한다는 뜻입니다.
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