植物新品種保護国際同盟(UPOV) vol.21 商標_動画(embedded/playlist)

植物新品種保護国際同盟 動画

植物新品種保護国際同盟 動画


Enforcement of Plant Variety Protection Rights youtube

Panel Discussion: Practices and Challenges in the Enforcement of Plant Breeders’ Rightsext-icon
植物新品種保護国際同盟(UPOV) vol.20 商標_動画(embedded)int-icon

Explore different experiences in relation to the infringement of plant breeders’ rights. Effective enforcement of plant breeders’ rights (PBR) is essential in supporting innovation and the long-term investment of breeders’ in developing new plant varieties (e.g. around seven years for a wheat variety and 20 years for an apple variety).

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