TM Registration in Africa
Trademark registration in Africa is complex due to fragmented systems, slow processes, and high costs. Businesses must navigate regional frameworks like ARIPO and OAPI, alongside individual country offices, each with unique rules. Enforcement is another hurdle, with limited resources and inconsistent laws across borders, making it harder to protect brands.
情報源: Trademark Registration in Africa: Key Challenges – Tech In Africa
記事によれば、ARIPOは参加国が19か国で、登録まで12~18か月かかり、費用は1,000~1,500ドル(3~5か国) 保護範囲は選択国、一方OAPIは参加国が17か国で登録までは6~12か月かかり、費用は1,200~1,800ドル(全参加国)保護範囲は全参加国とのことです。
Overview of Trademark Registration in ARIPO & OAPI、2:41
Overview of Trademark Registration in ARIPO & OAPI
各国商標データベース (国内外知的財産関連140機関) 地域ブロック別
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