CIPO begins Pilot Project on Expungement Proceeding
Canada’s Trademarks Opposition Board has announced a new pilot project according to which it will send non-use cancellation notices to a randomly selected sample of registered trademark owners. The stated purpose of the project is to help ensure that the Canadian trademark register “accurately reflects trademarks that are in use, and in association with the goods and services listed in the registration.”
情報源: Canadian Trademark Office Begins Government-initiated Non-use Cancellations | Knowledge | Fasken
The Trademarks Opposition Board (TMOB) is starting a pilot project whereby the Registrar of Trademarks (the Registrar) will proactively send a limited number of section 45 notices against trademark registrations.
情報源: Pilot project on the Registrar-initiated section 45 expungement proceeding
商標登録insideNews: CIPO’s new Specificity Guidelines for goods and services: what you need to know | JDSupra
カナダ商標制度 vol.1