欧州連合国際知的財産協力(EU International Intellectual Property Cooperation) 商標_動画 vol.24 (embedded)

CarIPI 動画

CarIPI 動画

1. CarIPI – Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights in CARIFORUM States Strengthened by EU support, 7:50

CarIPI - Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights in CARIFORUM States Strengthened by EU support

2. CarIPI – Savoring Tradition The Journey of Jamaican Jerk as a Geographical Indication, 7:54

CarIPI - Savoring Tradition: The Journey of Jamaican Jerk as a Geographical Indication

3. CarIPI – Hon. Mr. Justice Winston Anderson, Judge of the Caribbean Court of Justice, 1:31

CarIPI - Hon. Mr. Justice Winston Anderson, Judge of the Caribbean Court of Justice

4.CarIPI – Preserving Jamaican Rum Tradition with Geographical Indication, 2:20

CarIPI - Preserving Jamaican Rum Tradition with Geographical Indication

EU International Intellectual Property Cooperation
欧州連合国際知的財産協力(EU International Intellectual Property Cooperation) 商標_動画 vol.22 (embedded)

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