米国著作権庁 (United States Copyright Office) 料金表💰 (2020.3.20)

米国著作権庁 料金表 (U.S.Copyright Office Fees)

Fees in effect as of March 20, 2020 – For Licensing Division fees, request Circular 76 – All forms available at www.copyright.gov 米国著作権庁 料金表 (Copyright Office Fees)

Library of Congress

基礎登録(Basic Registrations)

Each registration must include properly completed application form, nonrefundable filing fee, and nonreturnable deposit.

Registrations online

$45 Single Application (single author, same claimant, one work, not for hire)
$65 Standard Application (all other filings)

Registrations on paper

$125 Paper filing on Form TX, Form VA, Form PA, Form SE, and Form SR

更新登録(Renewal Registrations)

For works published or registered before January 1, 1978

$125 Form RE
$100 Addendum to Form RE (in addition to fee for claim)

グループ登録(Group Registrations)

To register a group of related claims, where appropriate

$35 Serials, per issue, with minimum two issues (online application only)
$95 Newspapers or newsletters (online application only)
$85 Contributions to periodicals (online application only)
$55 Published photographs or unpublished photographs (online application only)
$85 Group of unpublished works (online application only)
$250 Group of updates for a photographic database (online or paper application)
$500 Group of updates for a nonphotographic database (paper application only)

補助登録(Supplementary Registrations)

$100 Electronic filing (to correct or amplify a completed registration)
$150 Paper filing for correction or amplification of renewal registrations, GATT registrations, and group registrations for nonphotographic databases (Form CA)
$100 Form DC (to correct a design registration)


$200 Preregistration of certain unpublished works

その他の登録(Other Registrations)

$500 Form D-VH (vessel designs)
$100 Form GATT
$150 Form MW (mask works)

登録に関するオプションサービス(Optional Services Related to Registration)

特別な取り扱い(Special Handling

To expedite registration processing of qualified claims
$800 Special handling fee (per claim)
$50 Additional fee for each (non-specialhandling) claim using the same deposit Other fees associated with registration
$540 Full-term retention of published copyright deposit (physical deposit)
$220 Full-term retention of published copyright deposit (electronic deposit)
$250 Secure test examining (per staff member per hour)
$50 Handling extra copy for certification
$150 Voluntary cancellation of registration
$40 Matching unidentified deposit to deposit ticket claim (per half hour)

再検討請求(Requests for Reconsideration (Appeals))

For claims previously refused registration

$350 First request (per claim)
$700 Second request (per claim)

書類の記録(Recordation of Documents)

To make public record of assignment of rights or other document relating to disposition of copyrighted work

$125 Recordation of document, including notice of intention to enforce (base fee includes 1 work identified by 1 title and/or registration number) (paper filing)
$95 Recordation of document, including notice of intention to enforce (base fee includes 1 work identified by 1 title and/or registration number) (electronic filing)
$95 Additional transfer (per transfer) (for documents recorded under 17 U.S.C. 205)
$60 Additional works and alternate identifiers (per group of 10 or fewer additional works and alternate identifiers)

When document is accompanied by electronic title list:

$60 1 to 50 additional works and alternate identifiers
$225 51 to 500 additional works and alternate identifiers
$390 501 to 1,000 additional works and alternate identifiers
$555 1,001 to 10,000 additional works and alternate identifiers
$5,550 10,001 or more additional works and alternate identifiers
$7 Correction of online public catalog data due to erroneous electronic title submission (per title)

Other fees associated with recordation:

$550 Special handling fee for recordation of a document
$75 Schedule of pre-1972 sound recordings, or supplemental schedule of pre-1972 sound recordings (single sound recording)
$10 Additional sound recordings (per group of 1 to 100 sound recordings)
$75 Removal of pre-1972 sound recording from Office’s database of indexed schedules (single sound recording)
$50 Notice of noncommercial use of pre-1972 sound recording
$50 Opt-out notice of noncommercial use of pre-1972 sound recording

記録の調査(Searches of Records)

For searching copyright records and preparing official report

$200 Estimate of search fee (credited to search fee)
$200 Search report (per hour, 2 hour minimum)
$500 Expedited report (per hour, 1 hour minimum)
$200 Certification of search report (per hour)

記録の検索と複写(Retrievals and Copies of Records)

Retrieval of in-process or completed Copyright Office records

$200 Estimate of retrieval fee (credited to retrieval fee)
$200 Retrieval of paper records (per hour, 1 hour minimum)
$200 Retrieval of digital records (per hour, half hour minimum, quarter-hour increments)
$55 Additional certificate of registration
$200 Certification of records, including search reports (per hour)
$500 Surcharge for expedited retrievals, certification, and copying (per hour, 1 hour minimum)
$100 Litigation statement (Form LS)
$12 Copying of Copyright Office records by staff (all media)

個人を特定できる情報 (PII) の削除(Removal of Personally Identifiable Information (PII))

$100 Initial request (per registration record)
$60 Reconsideration of denied request (flat fee)

その他の料金(Miscellaneous Fees)

$30 Receipt for deposit without registration (section 407 deposit)
$6 Designation of agent under section 512(c)(2) to receive notification of claimed infringement or amendment or resubmission of agent
$50 Notice to libraries and archives (each additional title $ 20)
$45 Service charge for Federal Express mailing
$1 Service charge for delivery of documents via fax (per page, seven pages maximum)

決済手数料(Payment Processing Service Charges)

$285 Overdraft of deposit account
$500 Dishonored replenishment check for deposit account
$115 Uncollectible or nonnegotiable check

Copyright Office fees are subject to change. For current fees, check the Copyright Office website at www.copyright.gov
米国特許商標庁(USPTO: United States Patent and Trademark Office) 商標関連料金表 (2022.2)
U.S. Copyright Office Fee Schedule Webinar (March 18, 2020)、44:05

U.S. Copyright Office Fee Schedule Webinar (March 18, 2020)

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