商標登録insideNews: Trademark Public Advisory Committee Public Hearing on the Proposed Trademark Fee Schedule | Federal Register (88 FR 25623)

US Trademark Fee Schedule Proposed

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is announcing the date, time, and place of a public hearing that will be held by the Trademark Public Advisory Committee (TPAC) on the USPTO’s proposed setting or adjusting of trademark fees pursuant to the USPTO’s fee setting authority under section 10 of the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (AIA). The USPTO will make its proposed trademark fees available—as set forth in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this notice—before the TPAC hearing. The public is invited to testify at the hearing and submit written comments regarding proposed trademark fees.

情報源: Federal Register :: Trademark Public Advisory Committee Public Hearing on the Proposed Trademark Fee ScheduleTrademark Fee Schedule
Fee Setting and Adjusting | USPTO
今回提案されているものでは、TEAS, Plus出願は止めて、350ドルPer classの基礎出願に統一し、情報不足の出願や、Trademark Next Generation ID Manual以外の商品役務記載、区分ごとにcharacters countが1000が超える記載の出願は料金の加算となります。マドプロで日本の商品役務の記載をそのまま翻訳して出願する方式では、クラスごと数百ドルも高くなることにもなりそうです。(例 The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) =57 characters) また、更新時の費用も値上げ案が出されています。まだ案の段階ですので値上げなどの時期は未定と思いますが、勝手に1年後ぐらいを予想しています。

Proposed TM fee schedule FY2022


情報源: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Set to Increase Trademark Fees | Holland & Knight LLP – JDSupra

2023年6月5日 ハイブリッド公聴会
2024年1月から3月: 規則制定案に関する通知を公開。
2024年3月から6月: パブリックコメント期間
2024年10月と予想: USPTO が最終規則を発行します。
2024年11月: 料金変更の発効予定日(予想)

Table of Proposed Trademark Fee Adjustments (Currently Proposed)

7007 Application filings Electronic Application (TEAS Plus), per class $250 n/a 停止予定
7007 Application filings Electronic Basic application, per class $250 $350 基本350ドル(per class)に
7008 Application filings Electronic Fee for failing to meet TEAS Plus requirements, per class $100 discontinue 停止予定
7009 Application filings Electronic Application (TEAS Standard), per class $350 discontinue 停止予定
7016 Application filings Electronic Extension of time for filing a response to a pre-registration office action $125 $125
7931 Application filings Electronic Application fee filed at WIPO $500 discontinue 停止予定
7933 Application filings Electronic Subsequent designation fee filed at WIPO $500 discontinue 停止予定
New fee code Application filings Electronic Basic application (§66(a)), per class​ n/a $350
New fee code Application filings Electronic Basic application (filing a subsequent designation under §66(a)), per class​ n/a $350
New fee code Application filings Electronic Fee for insufficient information (§66(a)), per class​ n/a $100 料金加算
New fee code Application filings Electronic Fee for goods and services identifications not contained in Trademark Next Generation ID Manual (using the free-form text box) (§66(a)), per class​ n/a $200 料金加算
New fee code Application filings Electronic For each additional 1,000 characters in excess of 1,000 (§66(a)), per class​ n/a $200 料金加算
New fee code Application filings Electronic Fee for insufficient information, per class n/a $100 料金加算
New fee code Application filings Electronic Fee for using goods and services identifications not contained in Trademark Next Generation ID Manual (using the free-form text box), per class n/a $200 料金加算
New fee code Application filings Electronic For each additional 1,000 characters in excess of 1,000, per class n/a $200 料金加算
6002 Intent to use/Use fees Paper Amendment to allege use (AAU), per class $200 $300
6003 Intent to use/Use fees Paper Statement of use (SOU), per class $200 $250 値上げ
6004 Intent to use/Use fees Paper Request for six-month extension for filing an SOU, per class $225 n/a
6004 Intent to use/Use fees Paper First, second, and third request for six-month extension for filing an SOU, per class $225 $225
New fee code Intent to use/Use fees Paper Fourth and subsequent request for six-month extension for filing an SOU, per class n/a $350 値上げ
7002 Intent to use/Use fees Electronic Amendment to allege use (AAU), per class $100 $200 値上げ
7003 Intent to use/Use fees Electronic Statement of use (SOU), per class $100 $150 値上げ
7004 Intent to use/Use fees Electronic Request for six-month extension for filing an SOU, per class $125 n/a
7004 Intent to use/Use fees Electronic First, second, and third request for six-month extension for filing an SOU, per class $125 $125
New fee code Intent to use/Use fees Electronic Fourth and subsequent request for six-month extension for filing an SOU, per class n/a $250
6005 Trademark processing fees Paper Petition to the Director $350 $500 値上げ
6010 Trademark processing fees Paper Petition to revive an application $250 $350 値上げ
7005 Trademark processing fees Electronic Petition to the Director $250 $400 値上げ
7010 Trademark processing fees Electronic Petition to revive an application $150 $250 値上げ
7011 Trademark processing fees Electronic Letter of protest $50 $250 値上げ
7014 Trademark processing fees Electronic Petition for expungement and reexamination, per class $400 $400

米国特許商標庁(USPTO: United States Patent and Trademark Office) 商標関連料金表 (2022.2)

Trademark Fee Proposal (powerpoint)
INTA’s comments on New fees (pdf)

米国特許商標庁/USPTO Alexandria Virgina, USA
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