欧州 知的財産ヘルプデスク (European IP Helpdesk) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.3

European IP Helpdesk

European IP Helpdesk

中小企業が Horizo​​n IP Scan サービスからメリットを得る理由は何ですか?

1. Why should SMEs benefit from the Horizon IP Scan service?, 3:06 European IP Helpdesk

Why should SMEs benefit from the Horizon IP Scan service?

欧州 知的財産ヘルプデスク
欧州 知的財産ヘルプデスク 商標_動画(embedded) vol.8
Horizon IP Scan is a tailored, free-of-charge, first-line IP support service provided by the European Commission specifically designed to help European start-ups and other SMEs involved in EU-funded collaborative research projects to efficiently manage and valorise IP in collaborative R&I efforts.

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