CarIPI video
CarIPI-Webiner Trademark and geographical indications; synegies conflicts, and case law analysis

CarIPI - CARIFORUM Case Law, Sheryl Washington-Vialva

CarIPI - EUIPO Case Law Database Caribbean, Pavel Burian

CarIPI- WIPO Lex Judgements, Inés Fernández

CarIPI - TM and GIs EU Case Law, Virginia Melgar

CarIPI - Case Law from Costa Rica: The Manchego Cheese, Pedro Suarez Baltodano

CarIPI - Interplay between GI and TMs The EU Perspective, Rebecca Santana Davies

CarIPI - GIs and TMs: what the EPA and TRIPS say, Tira Green

CarIPI - Contribution of GIs and TM to regional economic development, Erica Smith

CarIPI - CARIFORUM Legal framework for GIs and TMs, Marissa Longsworth

CarIPI - Future of jurisprudence in the area, Justice Anderson

欧州連合国際知的財産協力(EU International Intellectual Property Cooperation) 商標_動画 vol.5
The overall objective of CarIPI is to contribute to the integration of the Caribbean Forum of ACP Group of States into the World Economy, through strengthening the enabling framework that stimulates innovation and competitiveness of the private sector
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