米国特許商標庁 動画
USPTO とテキサス州弁護士会知的財産法部門は、ランハム法成立 75 周年記念の一環として商標ブートキャンプを主催しました。ランハム法
1. Overview of the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, 24:32
Overview of the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
The USPTO and the State Bar of Texas’ Intellectual Property Law Section hosted a Trademark Boot Camp as part of the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the passage of the Lanham Act.
Lanham Act関連の動画(Trademark Boot Camp agenda for June 17, 2021)が7つあります。1)Introduction、2)Trademark Fundamentals、3)How do I file a trademark application、4)Case Summary、5)TTAB live hearing、6)TTAB Judge Panel、7)What is the Trademark Modernization Act?

Lanham Act Trademark Boot Camp: Introduction

Private video

Private video

Lanham Act Trademark Boot Camp: Case Summary

Lanham Act Trademark Boot Camp: TTAB Live Hearing

Lanham Act Trademark Boot Camp: TTAB Judges Panel

Lanham Act Trademark Boot Camp: What is the Trademark Modernization Act?

Trademark Boot Camp agenda for June 17, 2021
情報源: Lanham Act 75th anniversary celebration | USPTO
米国商標制度 vol.1
米国特許商標庁 (USPTO) 商標_動画 (embedded) vol.26
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