韓国知的財産 News vol.1 商標_動画(embedded)

韓国知的財産 動画

韓国知的財産 動画

1.KTV 特許無効審判・訴訟制度の改善, 13:38

특허무효심판 소송 제도 개선 (경제혁신 3개년 계획)

2.MBN “少女時代”は、ガールグループ少女時代が、使用することができる!、 1:18
‘소녀시대’는 걸그룹 소녀시대만 사용할 수 있다?!

'소녀시대'는 걸그룹 소녀시대만 사용할 수 있다?!

韓国知的財産 NEWS vol.3 商標_動画(embedded)
SM won the trademark lawsuit against girl group ‘Girls’ Generation’ that went to the Supreme Court. A decision was made to the effect that only the girl group Girls’ Generation can use the trademark rights to ‘Girls’ Generation’.

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