米国司法委員会 (Committee for Justice / CFJ) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.1

米国司法委員会 動画

米国司法委員会 動画

1.The Common Purposes of Intellectual Property and Antitrust, 1:00:32

The Common Purposes of Intellectual Property and Antitrust

2.Google v. Oracle and the Constitutional Foundations of Intellectual Property Law, 56:54

Google v. Oracle and the Constitutional Foundations of Intellectual Property Law

Committee for Justiceext-icon
米国下院司法委員会(House Committee on the Judiciary ) vol.1 商標_動画(embedded)int-icon
The Committee for Justice advocates constitutionalist positions on legal and policy issues in Congress and the courts, while educating the public and policy makers about the rule of law and constitutionally limited government.

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