国連貿易開発会議(UNCTAD / UNCTADOnline) 商標_動画(embedded)

1. The Global Trade Helpdesk, 1:09

The Global Trade Helpdesk

2. Webinar: Opportunities and challenges of geographical indications and other distinctive signs, 1:18:57

Webinar: Opportunities and challenges of geographical indications and other distinctive signs

​A joint initiative of the International Trademark Association (INTA) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), this policy dialogue will touch upon the opportunities and challenges that may arise for producers in developing countries when using distinctive signs for products such as coffee and pepper.

情報源: UNCTAD-INTA webinar: A policy dialogue on the Potential of Distinctive Signs to Promote Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Development | UNCTAD