米国商標実務: 使用証明についての変更点(延長されて2019年2月15日施行)

電子出願を必須とし、紙やFAXでの提出は受け付けなくなるとする米国特許商標庁(USPTO)のルール改正が2020年2月15日(10月5日に施行予定であったものが12月21日に変更され、さらに2020年2月15日に施行)に施行されますが、このルール改正と共に、受理される使用見本の要件(requirements for acceptable specimens)に関するルールも改正されます。






2020年2月15日以前では、TEAS PlusとTEAS RFの2種類の出願形式がありましたが、今回のルール改正でTEAS PlusとTEAS Standardの2種類となり、TEAS plusの方がID Manualからの指定商品及び指定役務の選択となってより安い政府機関費用となります。TEAS Plusでは出願人の法人格などの情報を出願時に含める必要があり、もし情報が欠落している場合には、TEAS Plusの適格を失って追加料金を払う必要があります。




2.56 Specimens
(a) An application under section 1(a) of the Act, an amendment to allege use under § 2.76, a statement of use under § 2.88, an affidavit or declaration of continued use or excusable nonuse under § 2.160, or an affidavit or declaration of use or excusable nonuse under § 7.36 must include one specimen per class showing the mark as actually used in commerce on or in connection with the goods or services identified. When requested by the Office as reasonably necessary to proper examination, additional specimens must be provided.
(b)(1) A trademark specimen must show use of the mark on the goods, on containers or packaging for the goods, on labels or tags affixed to the goods, or on a display associated with the goods. To constitute a display associated with the goods, a specimen must show use of the mark directly associated with the goods and such use must be of a point-of-sale nature. The Office may accept another document related to the goods or the sale of the goods when it is impracticable to place the mark on the goods, packaging for the goods, or displays associated with the goods.

(2) A service mark specimen must show the mark as used in the sale of the services, including use in the performance or rendering of the services, or in the advertising of the services. The specimen must show a direct association between the mark and the services.

(3) A collective trademark or collective service mark specimen must show how a member uses the mark on the member's goods or in the sale of the services, including use in the performance or rendering of the services, or advertising of the member's services.

(4) A collective membership mark specimen must show use by members to indicate membership in the collective organization.

(5) A certification mark specimen must show how a person other than the owner uses the mark to reflect certification of regional or other origin, material, mode of manufacture, quality, accuracy, or other characteristics of that person's goods or services; or that members of a union or other organization performed the work or labor on the goods or services.

(c) A clear and legible photocopy, photograph, web page printout, or other similar type of reproduction of an actual specimen that meets the requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section is acceptable. The reproduction must show the entire specimen or enough of the specimen that the nature of the specimen, the mark, and the good or service with which the mark is used are identifiable. A web page must include the URL and access or print date. An artist's rendering, a printer's proof, a computer illustration, digital image, or similar mockup of how the mark may be displayed, or a photocopy of the drawing required by § 2.51, are not proper specimens.

(d) The specimen must be submitted through TEAS in a file format designated as acceptable by the Office, unless:

(1) The mark consists of a scent, flavor, or similar non-traditional mark type, in which case the specimen may be mailed to the Office, pursuant to § 2.190(a), without resort to the procedures set forth in § 2.147; or

(2) Submission on paper is permitted under § 2.23(c) or is accepted on petition pursuant to § 2.147.
