欧州植物品種庁(CPVO) 商標_動画(embedded)vol.2

欧州植物品種庁 動画

欧州植物品種庁 動画

CPVO の簡単な紹介
CPVO 20 周年、
CPVO の年次報告書 201

1.Short introduction to the CPVO – 2019, 0:59 youtube

Short introduction to the CPVO

2. CPVO 20th Anniversary, 0:41 youtube

CPVO 20th Anniversary...

3.CPVO’s Annual Report 2018, 2:28

CPVO's Annual Report 2018

欧州植物品種庁(CPVO: Community Plant Variety Office)
欧州植物品種庁(CPVO) vol.1 商標_動画(embedded/playlist)CPVO Webinarsint-icon

The Community Plant Variety Office is an agency of the European Union, located in Angers, France. It was established in 1994. Its task is to administer a system of plant variety rights, also known as plant breeders’ rights, a form of intellectual property right relating to plant.

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