地理的表示(GI)産品 [日本語] 商標_動画(embedded/playlist)

地理的表示(GI)産品 動画

地理的表示(GI)産品 [日本語] 地理的表示産品情報発信サイト

地理的表示(GI)産品 動画 地理的表示(GI)産品 情報発信サイト

地域ブランド・地域団体商標 47都道府県別 ▶️ ご当地ブランドを商標から一纏め
Meet The FURUSATO 地域ブランド&商標 動画(embedded)

Geographical Indication (GI) is the name of a product that has characteristics unique to that region. The product has characteristics such as unique appeal and social evaluation, and the characteristics of the product are born from special production methods that have been cultivated over many years in the region.

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