商標登録insideNews: Vikings being laughed at for ‘BRING IT ALL’ trademark application filed days before being eliminated | Bring Me The News

TM filed by Vikings

It’s probably pretty common for NFL teams to file trademarks on slogans they plan to use, but in the world of professional football, timing is everything. According to Josh Gerben, a trademark specialist and founder of Gerben Law Firm, the Vikings filed a trademark application for “BRING IT ALL.” The funniest part about the application is that it was filed on Dec. 28, just days before their Dec. 30 loss to the Bears that washed their season down the drain and paved the way for the Eagles to make the playoffs instead.

情報源: Vikings being laughed at for ‘BRING IT ALL’ trademark application filed days before being eliminated – Bring Me The News

Ser. No. 88244410 (Abandoned)

Filing Date December 28, 2018
Owner (APPLICANT) Minnesota Vikings Football, LLC

[コメント]NFLのバイキングは昨年NFCの決勝でイーグルズに負け、その時のスローガンは”Bring it home”(スーパーボールがミネアポリスで開催されたため)でした。今年こそはの勢いでQBを大金を積んで入れ替えて臨んだシーズンでしたが、最終週にNFC北地区ライバルのベアーズに敗れ、プレイオフ進出が阻まれています。“IT”はバイキングスのスーパーボール進出を意味すると思われ、USPTOへの出願がその望みを絶たれる3日前ということで失笑をかっているという記事になります。

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TM filed by Vikings

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