インド知的財産権振興管理支局(CIPAM) vol.6 商標_動画(embedded)

インド知的財産権振興管理支局 動画

インド知的財産権振興管理支局 動画

1.Launch of GI Logo and Tagline、1:16 

Launch of GI Logo and Tagline

2.Commerce and Industry Minister Suresh Prabhu at the GI Logo & Tagline Launch、8:26 

Commerce and Industry Minister Suresh Prabhu at the GI Logo & Tagline Launch

インド知的財産権振興管理支局(CIPAM) vol.5 商標_動画

CIPAM assists in simplifying and streamlining of IP processes, apart from undertaking steps for furthering IPR awareness, commercialization and enforcement.

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