WIPO Academy
WIPO Academyは世界知的所有権機関(WIPO)の教育・研修部門で、2018年6月21日で20周年を迎えます。主にWIPOの加盟国、特に発展途上国や後進国への知的財産権の研修や人材育成を行っています。
The WIPO Academy, the education and training arm of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), celebrates its 20th anniversary on June 21, 2018. They mainly provide training on intellectual property rights and human resource development to WIPO member countries, especially developing countries and underdeveloped countries.

What is the WIPO Academy ?

2019 Edition of the WIPO Training Course on IP and Sciences

Women Scientists Discussion with University Students

Women Scientists Discussion with International Organization Staff

10th Anniversary of the WIPO-South Africa Summer School

The Academy in your words: Irene Calboli

The Academy in your words: Fernando dos Santos

The Academy in your words: Josephine Santiago

The Academy in your words: Dennis L. Bohoussou

The Academy in your words: Dora Susan Makwinja

The Academy in your words: Regan Asgarali

The Academy in your words: Kerry Faul

The Academy in your words: Jacques de Werra

The Academy in your words: María de los Angeles Sánchez Torres

The Academy in your words: Adel El-saaed Oweida

The Academy in your words: Hyunseok Lim

The Academy in your words: Abdoulie Colley

The Academy in your words: Cristian Florescu

The Academy in your words: Masashi Nemoto

The Academy in your words: Alessandro Enrico Cogo

The Academy in your words: Luis Jimenez Sancho

Women Scientists Discuss their Work with WIPO Staff

WIPO Director General Francis Gurry on 20 Years of the WIPO Academy

Director of Patent Examination at KIPO on 20 Years of the WIPO Academy

ARIPO Director General on 20 Years of the WIPO Academy

IPOPHIL Director General on 20 Years of the WIPO Academy

Romanian Office for Copyright on 20 Years of the WIPO Academy

Head of NIPMO on 20 Years of the WIPO Academy

Associate Professor at the University of Turin on 20 Years of the WIPO Academy

Director of International Cooperation at JPO on 20 Years of the WIPO Academy

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