フェデラリスト協会 (The Federalist Society) vol.1 商標_動画(embedded)

The Federalist Society-intellectual property

The Federalist Societyは保守派の法律家団体であり、自社の政策課題の推進を支援してくれる企業からの政治献金も多く、司法省や最高裁判事の人選にも影響及ぼすとされています。リベラル派には拮抗する団体となります。

The Federalist Society-intellectual property

The Federalist Society
米国知的財産法情報 連邦裁判所 商標_動画(リンク)

(from Website of The Federalist Society)
Q. What is the Federalist Society?
A. It is an organization of 60,000 lawyers, law students, scholars, and other individuals who believe and trust that individual citizens can make the best choices for themselves and society. It was founded in 1982 by a group of law students interested in making sure that the principles of limited government embodied in our Constitution receive a fair hearing.

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