リトアニア共和国国家特許庁 (VPB) vol.4 商標_動画(embedded)

リトアニア共和国国家特許庁 動画

リトアニア共和国国家特許庁 動画
あなたの作品はあなたの所有権です | 登録して保護しましょう

1.Your creation – your ownership | Protect it with registration、1:54

Your creation - your ownership | Protect it with registration

2.Counterfeit goods = fake image、1:38

Counterfeit goods = fake image

VPB(Valstybinis patentų biuras)
リトアニア共和国国家特許庁(VPB) vol.3 商標_動画(embedded)

The State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania (SPB) is an institution of the executive power of the Republic of Lithuania, a state budget institution that performs state legal protection of industrial property objects (inventions, designs, trademarks and semiconductor topographies) in Lithuania and the functions of the central industrial property office in the European Union (EUIPO) and European patent organization (EPO).

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