UPOV video
Using the UPOV System to benefit custodians of native wild germplasm in Argentina、11:57
商標の業界でINTAというと国際商標協会ですが、このビデオでは INTA (National Institute for Agricultural Technology – Argentina) はアルゼンチンの国立農業技術機関です。
(Argentina) Using the UPOV system to benefit custodians of native wild germplasm in Argentina
Perspectives on UPOV

Anthony Parker (UPOV) Impact of UPOV in Canada, Shift in Investments, PBR & Seed Sector Growth

Peter Button (UPOV) Impact of UPOV Worldwide, Balancing Conservation & Plant Breeders Rights

UPOV(ユポフ)条約 加盟国一覧
The International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants or UPOV is a treaty body with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. UPOV’s objective is to provide an effective system for plant variety protection.
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