年: 2024年
商標登録insideNews: Tiger Woods Sun Day Red Logo Subject Of Trademark Dispute | Golf Monthly
Tiger Woods accused of unlawfully hijacking clothing logo in dispute
Tiger Woods’ apparel brand Sun Day Red has “unlawfully hijacked” another company’s logo for their tiger emblem, according to a report by CNBC.Woods’ golf apparel and accessory brand has the tiger logo adorning all products, one which Woods himself says pays homage to his 15 Majors wins with the 15 stripes on the tiger logo.
情報源: Tiger Woods Sun Day Red Logo Subject Of Trademark Dispute | Golf Monthly
Opposition Number: 91294173
Serial No. 98/364,411 Serial No. 98/363,643
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ウクライナ国家知的財産改革局(UKRNOIVI / UANIPIO) 商標_動画 vol.2 (embedded/playlist)
ウクライナ国家知的財産改革局 動画
Як використовувати інтелектуальну власність у бізнесі🧑💼IP EXPERT – 5 випуск / 知的財産をビジネスに活用する方法
Як реєструвати права на ТМ, твір, винахід, дизайн ☑️ IP EXPERT – 4 випуск / TM、著作物、発明、意匠の権利登録方法
Є ідея! Але чи можна заробити на ній і як? 💡 IP EXPERT – 3 випуск / アイデアはあります!しかし、それでお金を稼ぐことは可能でしょうか?また、どのようにすればよいのでしょうか?
Про охорону контенту в соцмережах: як використовувати фото з Інстаграм 📷 IP EXPERT – 2 випуск / ソーシャルネットワークにおけるコンテンツ保護について: Instagram の写真の使用方法
Музика і авторське право🔹Про класику і твори, написані ШІ🔹IP EXPERT – 1 випуск / 音楽と著作権 🔹AI が書いた古典と作品について
Що таке нематеріальна культурна спадщина і нові твори на її основі: IP EXPERT – 6-й випуск / 無形文化遺産とそれを基にした新作とは何か
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韓国知識財産保護院 (KOIPA) 商標_動画 (embedded) vol.2
韓国知識財産保護院 動画
韓国知識財産保護院 – 知識財産権保護認識向上キャンペーン 🌈
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商標登録insideNews: CIPO’s new Specificity Guidelines for goods and services: what you need to know | JDSupra
CIPO provides new Specificity Guidelines for G&S
Those familiar with filing and prosecuting trademark applications in Canada will know that the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) has among the world’s most stringent standards for assessing the specificity of goods and services claimed in such applications.To assist trademark counsel and brand owners in interpreting these standards, on September 18, 2024, CIPO released new Specificity Guidelines for the Goods and Services Manual (Specificity Guidelines).
商標登録insideNews: Open Source, Trademarks, and WP Engine | Automattic
Cease-and-Desist letter to WP Engine
For those just catching up: WP Engine needs a trademark license. Since being taken over by private equity firm Silver Lake in 2018, WP Engine has built a half-a-billion a year business by confusing consumers with their commercial use of the WordPress and WooCommerce trademarks. Automattic has tried for years to get WP Engine to obtain a commercial license for trademark use and contribute to the core software they rely on, but WP Engine has repeatedly declined to partner or contribute.
情報源: Open Source, Trademarks, and WP Engine – Automattic
続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Open Source, Trademarks, and WP Engine | Automattic”
台湾經濟部智慧財產局 (TIPO) vol.22 商標_動画(embedded/playlist) 113年度業務座談會
台湾經濟部智慧財產局 動画
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